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GenY selected artwork

, 2018
single channel HD Video (color, stereo sound) 2´11” | © Yang Jian – courtesy WHITE SPACE BEIJING, Beijing
, 2017-18
Fictional documentary | HD video (colour, sound, 33’08”)
, 2019
Documentação da performance de Cheuk Wing Nam DIY “wingtronics” no evento, One Ear to Hear – ON(H)(E)AR), in Tai Kwun, Hong Kong em Out 2019.
, 2019
video, 2:00 of immersive mixed reality installation – 3D scanning, projection mapping and mobile phones equipped with augmented reality software
Jiayu Liu Studio combines art and technology, creating a poetic way for visitors to observe and interact with their surrounding environment.
, 2013
Peformances series; swarm of semi-autonomous flying drones equipped with loudspeakers. (video 7´02″)
, 2017
Performance vídeo 22´06″; Percussionist: Karen Yu; Composer: Zihua Tan; Media Artist: Kenny Wong; Sound Engeneer: Will Bennett
, Ongoing since 2018
(Video, 10′ 40″) “Alex Fabulouse Show” on Zelffie Project by Thianyi Zhang & Ling Liu
, 2017
Video animado em canal único de Tears of Chiwen (9´00″), de Sun Xun
, 2016
Animation film – 3D visual experience
, 2017
Sound interactive installation. Mental structure, Fresh fruit & Vegetables Techniques: C++
, 2008-2017
Performance in “Forest of Sensors” Installation (video, 1′ 57″) – vibration sensors, objects
, 2020
Lacy Calligraphies series, French-made Calais lacy, variable size, 2020, by Hong Wai
, 2014
Single-channel video installation (HD video with sound, 3’25”, loop)
, 2017
Video projection onto floor and central cube with relief, 10 ft x 10 ft x 1.5 ft (video documentation, 3′ infinite loop)
Sound design by Stephen Farrell; Original video resolution: 5280 x 5280 pixel


We present artworks from Chinese artists born after 1980. The majority of these artists come from four crucial artistic environments in China: Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Hong Kong. GenY deals substantially with information, cognitive issues at large, and technology. Interdisciplinary projects related to urgent matters like climate change, ecology, or big data are some of the issues at stake in this show. So-called contemporary art is a paradigm that originated in the twentieth century. It is a bit old now. Knowledge-intensive based art is gradually taking the lead, namely on our smartphones, our smart streets, and our smart cities.

We are now travelling through a cognitive revolution, namely made possible by digital fibers, LEDs, new carbon materials, rare earth elements, big and small drones, big and small robots, machine learning, cyborgs, and a formidable expansion of computational power fed by 3G, 4G, 5G… telecommunications, cloud computing, and sooner than later by quantum non-binary intelligent systems. The purpose of Gen Y is to study, understand, and exhibit the impacts of this civilizational shift on the creativity and art realms around the world. Linear time is giving up to a rhizome of clocks.

António C. Pinto