Real-time video from a machinic point of view, capturing and observing visual and sonic data flows tampered with chaotic, fractal algorithms, inner running processes in machine-space
An Observer ToL: Sierpinsky, Ikeda, Log, Navier-Stokes (2020)
A 6’ excerpt from a 16’ video work (ed. 2) captured in real-time from a machinic point of view, capturing and observing visual and sonic data flows tampered with chaos and fractal algorithms, as well as inner running processes in machine-space which apparently modify the incoming data streams?
An Observer ToL reflects on the infrastructure of an electronic beings’ sensory apparatus while he/she is receiving data streams that apparently come from an exterior world, if it exists. In the data age, An Observer magnifies selected incoming streams, trying to establish classifications and derive meanings, augmenting subtle and near invisible data traces resorting to chaotic and fractal mathematical synthetic models such as Sierpinsky, Ikeda, Logistic, Navier-Stokes, before propagation of the viral