InBody Collective in The Liminal Performance (video, 20' 24")
Liminal Performance Space was developed in response to the conditions of social isolation and limited travel brought about by the Pandemic which severely limited the ability of performance artists to create new work.
As a Beta tester for TroikaTronix’s new NDI receptors I was able to bring performers from as far away as Tokyo into a virtual space to create works by visiting a series of coded “chambers” which are also “visual instruments” with the same capacity to create endless variety as a piano in the hands of a gifted jazz improvisor.
The technology that makes a simple SKYPE conference call a portal through which artists can enter a dream-like space for creation, has only been available for a few weeks.In that time, I’ve conducted a series of experiments, inviting colleague to improvise with the “rooms that are instruments.” Each participant has committed an hour of time to these explorations.
It’s been incredible to see the variety of works that has emerged. In most cases participants are in their living rooms or bedrooms sometimes thousands of miles from my studio.
I’ve constructed the code so that in talented hands it yields something intriguing regardless of the performers’ circumstances. I’m attaching two still images-one of the code in one of the rooms and a second a still image from one of the performances. These help explain the mechanism of the “room/instruments.”
To better understand the beauty the Liminal Performance Space is capable of generating, take a look through these two libraries of performances. Each library was initially created in about an hour’s time. If I’m selected for the exhibition it would be interesting for me to give a live demo of the technology at some point.
A compilation of these short pieces could be the ongoing part of the exhibition.