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, 2019-2020

Video of the 3D model of the Installation

Video of the 3D model of the Installation

ā€œPandemoniumā€ explores the elements related to the satyr Pan, deity of shepherds, hunters, animals, meadows and forests, panic. These elements seemsparadoxical at first, but also share a deep relationship. A pandemonium is both frighting and deeply natural.

The installation consists of 6 painted canvases, which are strung up in the space, balancing between tension and elegance. Two vĆ­deo-projections, five plaster sculptures and a sound-piece add to the environment and concept of the work.

Tempos are layered on top of each other in the vĆ­deos, creating a chaos of impressions: a naked person rotating in slow motion, the same person who spins about like a madman. The video is glitched so that the video shows the same panicked energy. A balance between calm elegance, eroticism and chaotic panic.

This installation was made as a 3D-model , consisting of realized work and virtually created elements, to visualize the final result.

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