Extensible model of data > Environment > Viruses > Synthesis (sound, light and bio-synthesis)> Limits of Computability> Space> General research >
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The project is a prototypical new program, which combines the activity of a computer virus and biological viruses.
Sequence of numbers (obtained from any biological or physical detector) introduced by the user is subjected to transformation and destruction through the use of viruses. Sequences of viruses are introduced combinatorially: they gradually transform and destroy and substitute the initial sequence in order to create completely new configurations of signs and biological objects.
The form of the program is open and serves for the creation of unpredictable and new sequences of objects.
The project shows how logical structures and computer processes remain in relation with biological and chemical processes. Transmutation of one elementary sequence into another, one chemical substance into another is of great importance. The possibility of transforming sequences in real time gains great importance in times when human identity is increasingly coded by digital data.Through transformation and distribution of DNA data in real time, the physical structure of the user described in the form of a sequence develops and transforms, intersecting with the public space of the net.
The test program shows how my DNA is combined with codes of the viruses: multidimensional object comprising of my DNA code [collected from my saliva] and codes of chosen viruses [Lloviu virus, Polio virus, Marburg virus and Ebola virus]. A class of objects which are non-human came into existence, [they have features which enable perpetual conversion/transformation and unlimited replication and distribution [immortality].
The eventual target is that every user has access to the net (+toolbox for reading DNA code) and can check how his/her DNA sequence is transformed into a completely new object. Of course other sequences of signs or numbers can be used (different types of arrays: different types of biological data, network data, financial data). The computer or mobile should be connected with different types of detectors: encephalogram, MRI or other detectors of biometric data.
Biotechnology. The resulting sequences may be tested and synthesized into biological objects in the future. BioSimulator: The initial step is to write a machine, that delivers simulations of new biological entities and allows for selecting interesting ones.
Aesthetics. The project is equipped with a dynamic image and sound layer that allows for constant accumulation and transformation of signs, images, sounds, layers and textures.
The project also raises questions of social character: how is data used for identifying individuals? how can this data be manipulated? how biological process (including cognitive processes) can be monitored?
The project points to new practical possibilities such as how the data can be transformed in order to code, blur or avoid identification.
Extensible model of data
Central to CAPITAL is its extensible model of data: everything in its system is either an entity or a function — a thing or a transformation. This allows the system to grow, and accommodate as-yet unimagined viruses or bioobjects.
The platform is presented as software system and art installation where are applied innovative functions that allows transformation of my DNA, synthesis of code and exchange in social environment.
I have used the following viruses: Lloviu virus, Polio virus, Marburg virus, HIV and Ebola virus. However the system is constructed in such a way, that this class of viruses can be extended and codes of other viruses can be added to a sequence which is introduced and combined with my DNA.
Capital Exchange
Another problem the project deals with, is the analysis of ways of making the codes of life accessible and their place in the capital exchange. It is known, that this field is more and more appropriated by Big Pharma, which attempts to patent new codes and gain profits out of it. In our understanding, there exist situations, where life should not be available for sale, made accessible as trade codes. It is an attempt of creating a new class of non-human codes and making them accessible free of charge, which causes a decentration in this system of capital exchange.
Unique sequence of DNA code of new organism is directly synthesized to sound and light. The whole system is controlled by original software that I developed and coded using Supercollider, Python and MaxMSP. Bio-synthesis: the chosen codes, which emerge as a result of combining my DNA with the code of viruses, may be synthesized. I have made first attempts of synthesizing those nonhuman objects. This stage of work is still in progress.
Limits of computability
Another aim of the project is connected with examining the limitations of computability through testing different sequences and recurrent functions.
The aim is also to find an absolute general criterion for the development of nonhuman entities, for building measures and borders for humanity, regardless of whether this construct is initially calculable and has practical application. Other aim of my research is to examine different types of synergy, which occur between domains e.g. computer scienge and biotechnology. Obviously in the scientific environment there are certain historical examples, for instance the influence of von Neuman’s automata concept on Circk’s concept of DNA, yet theories which could describe the influence of particular concepts on each other in a reasonable manner don’t exist.
An integral part of the project is the multidimensional presentation of data in architecture. The project has been exhibited in a multilevel post- Nazi bunker – Comtemporary Art Museum Wroclaw, WORM Instituut voor Avantgardistische Recreatie, Rotterdam and Boston CYBERART Gallery.
General Research
My aim is also to conduct a metaresearch on the future of humanity, on the collision of different currents and the emergence of new domains of art and technology, which enable cultural acceleration. Examining how new ideas emerge from the spectrum of various previous ideas and forms and form different directions. Obviously in the scientific environment there are certain historical examples, for instance the influence of von Neuman’s automata concept on Circk’s concept of DNA, yet theories which could describe the influence of particular concepts on each other in a reasonable manner don’t exist. The development of fast transfer net of scientific ideas results in the acceleration of art and scientific research. In the future the ideas will disseminate even faster, while the most radical and general will strike various domains and lead to the emergence of new ones. These truly chaotic processes will induce exponential growth in increasingly shorter time intervals.
development: Robert B. Lisek
coding: Robert B. Lisek, Krzysztof Lukasik http://www.lisek.art.pl
contact: lisek at fundamental dot art dot pl