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, 2013

Peformances series; swarm of semi-autonomous flying drones equipped with loudspeakers. (video 7´02")

Peformances series; swarm of semi-autonomous flying drones equipped with loudspeakers. (video 7´02")

][LIMINAL][ , in collaboration with Marco De Mutiis.

][LIMINAL][ employs a swarm of hacked semi-autonomous flying drones equipped with loudspeakers to create a series of performances and an installation on the topic of relational anxiety of inhabiting spaces.

We keep on creating and occupying spaces in our unconscious daily movements. In a massively compressed urban space like Hong Kong we constantly find ourselves reaching for the smallest available spots to advance through crowds. We try to achieve the highest mobility in a limited volume.

This creates a space that lies in a constant negotiation between temporary presence and absence, a tension embodied in in-between spaces. ][LIMINAL][ aims at enhancing this tension while simultaneously creating an awareness of these transient intermediate states. The project will employ flying drones that will perform in selected places, exploring the spaces and the way we occupy them.

The flying drones will concretize and sonify the instability and anxiety of these mutating spaces. The sound of this army of quadcopters, filling the air with a sense of uneasiness, will be matched by the soundscape generated through their loudspeakers. These sounds will be composed specifically for each location, with the purpose of enhancing the existing soundscapes: air-cons, humming noises of an alley and mechanical textures in industrial areas.

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