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Make the visitor reflect on this phenomenon that has so changed our behavioral patterns

Collective Exhibition
Curatorship Sofia Marçal

Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência (National Museum of Natural History and Science)

Opening: July 15
Exhibition: Until September 30

Rua da Escola Politécnica, 60, 1250-102 Lisbon, Tuesday to Sunday, 10 am to 5 pm.
Closed on mondays and holidays. Paid access (Museum entry ticket), except on Sundays, from 10 am to 2 pm.

Pandemia selected artworks

, 2019-2020
Extensible model of data > Environment > Viruses > Synthesis (sound, light and bio-synthesis)> Limits of Computability> Space> General research >
, 2020
Curta-metragem: 3′ 45” HD Côr
Director, Writer, Performer: Daniela Lucato Cinematography:Jacopo Pantaleoni
, 2020
Animation Video 6´ (1920 x 1080)


, 2020-Ongoing
site specific installation
, 2020
Online Sound Installation
From the World Wide Web, 64 web radio streams are captured by Jack software through bash programming, transformed by SuperCollider code and sent to OBS through Soundflower, returning to the Internet world.
, 2020
A sonic interpretation of the reported daily active cases of COVID-19, from nineteen countries, and beginning the 22nd Jan, 2020.