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Francisco Pinto

, Portugal

Francisco Pinto (1991), lives and works in Lisbon, where he graduated in Painting from the Faculty of Fine Arts (2015). He received his Master’s in Multi- media Art from the same institution (2019).
July 2017- Int. Conteporary Art – Slade School of Fine Art – London.
April 2016 – Generative Sculptures: 3D Modeling and Manufacturing – André Sier – FBAUL.
November, 2015 – Breaduino Workshop – Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon.
Individual exhibitions: e Hive, Mute,[Lisbon 2019] Retrato de uma Sociedade Desorientada, Municipal Au- ditorium,[Alcácer do Sal 2015].
Collective exhibitions in which he participated are: Explorações 2016-18, FBAUL
cistern [Lisbon 2018]; WIP (Work In Process), Mute, [Lisbon 2018]; Vestígios, Gallery Bangbang, [Lisbon 2018]; Ensaios sobre a (in) exibilidade do natu- ral – part II, Ministry of the Environment [Lisbon 2018]; Contra /TEMPO, Fábrica Braço de Prata, [Lis- bon
2017]; AAA 8th Edition, invited by Vieira Ribei- ro atelier [Lisbon, 2017]; Undergraduate Exhibition, National Society of Fine Arts, [Lisbon, 2015]; Artis 2015, Estoril Casino Art Gallery [2015]; XXVII Sa- lão de Primavera/Prémio Rainha Isabel de Bragança, Estoril Casino Art Gallery [2014]; Vinte e Dois(22).


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